Saturday, October 16, 2010

September Artist of the Month – Lola Doodles

September 1st is just around the corner and it’s time for a new Artist of the Month! In September we have the pleasure to have Temple from Lola-Doodle’s Handpainted Yarns.   We chose her 70's Classic Sock which is a merino/nylon blend. This yarn is sturdy enough for socks but soft enough for any project requiring fingering weight yarn. Ideal for cute baby knits too!  The colorways are mostly semi-solid but with a couple variegated too which would look great in all those projects. You can for now have a peek at the colorways on Flickr but tonight at midnight EST the yarns will be available right here at yarn4socks.

Lola Doodles Classic Sock

1. What is your name, company name and which city and state are you from?
Temple Trueblood (and I have nothing to do with the HBO series…just an odd coincidence).Lola-Doodle’s Handpainted Yarns (named after my sweet Lola the Wonder Corgi)Birmingham, Alabama–home of 100% humidity

Lola Doodles

2. How long have you been dying yarn?I started playing around with dying yarn about a year ago and it didn’t take me too long to seriously get addicted and start gifting, sharing and selling the piles of yarn I was dying up!

Lola Doodles Classic Sock- Who Do You Doo

I really love hand painted yarns and was always drawn to them at yarn shops or fiber sales. One day while admiring my colorful stash and trying to ignore my newly emptied wallet, I just thought to myself, “Hmmm…I wonder how hard it is to actually do this yourself?”  I did alot of internet and library research and then just took the plunge.Lola Doodles Classic Sock- Snooze ButtonAll kinds of things–the beautiful colors of nature, the antics of my puppy dogs, and the lyrics and rhythm of good ole’ rock-n-roll or Southern blues. I actually get most of my ideas for color combinations when I am lying in bed at night right before I fall asleep.5. What is the favorite product you’ve ever made?Hmmm…this is a hard one.  I knit, spin and dye so I have lots of favorites!  As far as my dyed projects, I’d have to say my favorite was some bulky Falkland Wool  that I dyed up in Valentine’s Day inspired varigations of red, pink, crimson and white for my Mom’s birthday.  It was one of the first dye jobs I did that I was really proud of and she loved it, so it was really special to me.

Lola Doodles Classic Sock- Hanging out with my Peeps

6. Do you have any advice for other fiber artists?If you have ideas of fibery-goodness running through your head then just go for it and see what you come up with!  There are so many reasources on the internet and in print to learn from. I also learned quickly to ask others for help or advice–the fiber community is incredibly firendly and supportive.7. Are there any designers, fiber artists or any other artist you consider your role model?I still have quite the stash and am always admiring and buying yarn from other dyers–we all have such unique styles and I really appreciate the handcraft of others.  I am always impressed with the colorways of Madelintosh, Sanguine Gryphon and Sqoosh, to name a few. 

Lola Doodles Classic Sock- Puppy Kisses

8. Please share with us a zany or interesting thing about you. It does not have to be fiber related.I can’t hold my breath under water…neither can my sister. It is some odd genetic fluke. We both literally have to hold our nose shut with our fingers. Weird, huh?Posted in Artist of the Month | Leave a Comment

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