Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How to Make Your Own Yarn

How to Make Your Own Yarn

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Are you running out of yarn, for knitting, crocheting, or other past-times? Well, you can make your own yarn, and you can use just about anything!


  1. Spin your own yarn. You'll need some appropriate fiber, and spinning is a craft in itself.
  2. Cut plastic grocery bags cut into strips. Follow the link for detailed instructions on how to do this. You won't want to wear plastic yarn like this, but it's excellent stuff for making things like shopping bags and plant hangers, and it's completely free.
  3. Cut the fabric of shirts, pants, or other unwanted garments into thin strips depending on how hard it is. The stiffer and sturdier the fabric, the smaller the strips. Tie them end to end, and use it to make a rug or bag. Use different colours, for colour effect. You can use the same technique on things like old t-shirts as you use on plastic bags.
  4. Knit or crochet with fishing line or even wire. Just make sure you tuck in the ends.
  5. made from yarn reclaimed from an old sweater.]] Unravel unwanted knitted or crochet garments, and use the yarn to make other projects.


  • When cutting heavy materials, like denim, don't make the strips too wide, or it will be very hard to work with. You might want to make a sample piece and try it with the hook you had in mind to see what the result will be.

Things You'll Need

  • Anything unwanted that is made of fabric OR
  • Any string things (ropes, wire, fishing line, etc) OR
  • Unwanted knitted or crocheted garment OR
  • Pantyhose that is no longer useful, like ones that have holes
  • Garden ropes are great because they are strong and already comes in a ball
Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Make Your Own Yarn. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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